Masters of Art Therapy, Latrobe University 2015 - 2016
Bachelor of Fine Arts, The Victorian College of the Arts 2007 - 2009
Visual Arts Diploma, RMIT University 2005 - 2006
'Makeshift' (collaboration with Cameron Gill), Neon Parlour, Thornbury December 2017
'Dear John' (solo exhibition), Off The Kerb, Collingwood July 2015
‘Dog House’ (solo exhibition), c3 Gallery, Abbotsford Convent May 2013
‘Other People’s Houses (solo exhibition), Cowwarr Art Space, Cowwarr July 2010
Picture Framer and Gallery Technician, Arts Project Australia, 2016 - Current
Picture Framer, Colour Square, Cremorne 2010 - 2014
Maude Glover Fleay Award, Victorian College of the Arts Graduate Exhibition November 2010
Artist Residency, Dragon Dance Theatre, Trios Rivières, Montreal September 2014